Nerve Control 911

Nerve Control 911 Reviews – Is it Worth Buying?

PhytAge Labs Nerve Control 911 is a supplement formulated to support nerve health, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain with a blend of natural ingredients.

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What is Nerve Control 911?

Nerve Control 911 is a natural dietary supplement developed by PhytAge Labs designed to target and alleviate nerve pain by addressing the root causes of nerve issues.

This supplement aims to reduce inflammation and support nerve health through a blend of powerful, natural ingredients. The key components in Nerve Control 911 work synergistically to calm overactive nerves and restore their proper function.

How Does Nerve Control 911 Work?

Nerve Control 911 operates through multiple mechanisms to promote nerve health and alleviate pain. The ingredients in Nerve Control 911 help mitigate inflammatory issues, which can lead to serious health problems if left unchecked.

The supplement targets burning, tingling sensations often experienced due to compromised nerve health, especially in older adults. The formula is designed to maximize the body’s ability to absorb the nutrients, promoting quick healing.

Nerve Control 911 helps manage the effects of the COX-2 enzyme, which is responsible for inflammation, without the side effects associated with common pain-relief medications.

The supplement controls the release of Prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2), which, if unchecked, can cause pain and degeneration in joints and muscles.

By inhibiting the production of the 5-LOX enzyme, which causes inflammation, the supplement provides additional anti-inflammatory benefits.

These compounds are responsible for propagating inflammation and pain. Nerve Control 911 helps reduce their production, thus alleviating chronic pain and inflammation.

Ingredients in Nerve Control 911

Nerve Control 911 is formulated with a blend of natural ingredients aimed at supporting nerve health and alleviating pain. Here are the key ingredients:

  • California Poppy: Used to treat insomnia, aches, and nervous agitation. It also helps with nerve pain, blood vessel-related issues, anxiety, and loss of focus.
  • Corydalis Yanhusuo: Contains dehydrocorybulbine (DHCB), which alleviates inflammatory and neuropathic pain, promotes muscle relaxation, and supports deep sleep.
  • Passion Flower: Alleviates nerve stress, reduces anxiety, promotes restful sleep, and reduces pain.
  • Prickly Pear: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it helps manage pain and inflammation in the body.
  • Marshmallow Root: Helps relax the mind and body, reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, supports healthy sleep cycles, and reduces dermal inflammation.

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Benefits of Nerve Control 911

Nerve Control 911 offers several benefits due to its natural and potent ingredients:

  • Stimulates an anti-inflammatory response across the body, reducing pain and symptoms of other inflammatory conditions.
  • Targets inflammation, the root cause of pain, and revitalizes damaged nerves, providing natural pain support throughout the body.
  • Offers natural anxiety relief to support deep relaxation and tranquility, improving mood patterns throughout the day.
  • Relaxes the mind and body to support healthy sleep and nerve health, helping users wake up feeling fresh and energetic.
  • Manages COX-2 enzyme activity, which causes inflammation, thus preventing pain naturally without adverse side effects.
  • Manages the release of Prostaglandin E-2, a lipid compound that can cause joint and muscle pain if present in high amounts.
  • Controls the production of the 5-LOX enzyme, another cause of inflammation, which typical pain-relief medications might not address.
  • Reduces the production of TNF-Alpha and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), compounds that contribute to inflammation and chronic pain.

Nerve Control 911 leverages these natural ingredients and mechanisms to provide comprehensive nerve pain relief and support overall nerve health.

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  • Nerve Control 911 is made from natural and ethically sourced botanical extracts, ensuring safety and minimal side effects.
  • The supplement targets the underlying causes of nerve pain and inflammation, providing significant relief from symptoms like burning, tingling, and discomfort.
  • Ingredients such as marshmallow root and prickly pear help reduce inflammation, which is a major contributor to nerve pain.
  • The blend of ingredients supports overall nerve health and can improve the health of the central nervous system.
  • Ingredients like passion flower and California poppy promote relaxation and restful sleep, which are crucial for nerve health and recovery.
  • Users have reported improved nerve health without experiencing adverse effects, making it a safer alternative to some medications.
  • Compared to expensive treatments and medications, Nerve Control 911 is cost-effective and offers bulk order discounts and a money-back guarantee.


  • Nerve Control 911 is primarily available online, which might be inconvenient for those who prefer purchasing supplements in physical stores.
  • Some individuals may be skeptical about dietary supplements and prefer consulting their healthcare providers before use, especially due to mixed opinions on its effectiveness.
  • As with many natural supplements, Nerve Control 911 may take some time to show noticeable improvements, requiring consistent use.
  • While the supplement boasts natural ingredients and effectiveness, detailed scientific studies or clinical trials supporting its efficacy are not heavily publicized.

Any Side Effects?

Nerve Control 911 is formulated with natural ingredients, which typically results in fewer side effects compared to synthetic medications. However, individual responses can vary. Here are some general observations:

  • The supplement uses ingredients like California Poppy, Corydalis Yanhusuo, Passion Flower, Prickly Pear, and Marshmallow Root, which are generally considered safe.
  • Users have not commonly reported significant adverse effects. This is in contrast to traditional medications for nerve pain, which can have more pronounced side effects.
  • As with any supplement, some users might experience mild side effects based on their unique health conditions or allergies. It’s always advisable to consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement.

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Nerve Control 911 Customer Reviews & Complaints

Overall, the reviews of Nerve Control 911 are mostly positive (Rating 4.7/5). It may be useful to hear from actual Nerve Control 911 users on its performance.

After just a few weeks of therapy, some people experienced substantial improvements in their nerve issues. They have also had no complaints regarding this product.

JeffRatingI’ve been dealing with nerve discomfort for years, and Nerve Control 911 has been a game changer. My pain levels have greatly decreased, and I can now sleep through the night without agony.

ElizabethRatingI began using Nerve Control 911 about a month ago, and it has been an excellent addition to my regimen. My nerve discomfort has subsided significantly, and I can walk more comfortably. I feel more comfortable taking it on a daily basis because it has natural components.

Pricing and Discounts

Nerve Control 911 offers various pricing options, especially for bulk purchases:

  • Single Bottle: The cost can be around $69.95 per bottle.
  • Three Bottles: Often available at a discounted rate, costing about $49.95 per bottle.
  • Six Bottles: The best deal usually, costing approximately $39.95 per bottle.

Bulk orders can help customers save significantly, making it a cost-effective option compared to other treatments and medications.

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Money-Back Guarantee

Every purchase of Nerve Control 911 is protected by a 90-day money-back guarantee. This allows you to try the supplement for 90 days and observe its effects on your health.

If you are not satisfied with the results, you can contact customer service to request a full refund. This ensures that you either benefit from the supplement or get 100% of your money back, providing a risk-free trial.


Nerve Control 911 by PhytAge Labs is a dietary supplement designed to alleviate nerve pain and support nerve health using natural ingredients.

It has garnered positive reviews from users who have experienced significant improvements in their nerve health and overall well-being.

The supplement is an affordable alternative to expensive treatments and medications, and it is backed by a 90-day money-back guarantee, adding an extra layer of assurance for potential buyers.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you take Nerve Control 911 with neuropathy medications?

It is always best to consult with your healthcare provider before combining any supplement with existing medications to avoid potential interactions.

Do you have to pay anything else for Nerve Control 911 in the future?

No additional payments are required after the initial purchase unless you decide to reorder the supplement.

Is Nerve Control 911 only for nerve health?

While primarily aimed at improving nerve health, the supplement also provides benefits like reduced inflammation, improved sleep, and overall better well-being.

How many bottles of Nerve Control 911 should you order?

For best results, it is recommended to use the supplement consistently for several months. Bulk purchasing options like three or six bottles can provide better value and ensure continuous usage without interruption.

By considering the pricing, money-back guarantee, and positive customer feedback, Nerve Control 911 appears to be a viable option for those seeking natural relief from nerve pain and inflammation.

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