
The End of Gout Reviews – Is Shelly Manning Program Work?

The End of Gout is a guide to eliminating gout by adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle, emphasizing natural remedies and preventive measures.

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What is The End of Gout?

The End of Gout refers to the complete control and management of gout, preventing gout flares and progression to chronic tophaceous gout by effectively controlling uric acid levels.

Uric acid-lowering medications, such as allopurinol, febuxostat (Uloric), and intravenous pegloticase (Krystexxa), are used for patients with recurrent gout or a history of elevated urate levels.

It involves a combination of dietary modifications, weight management, and the use of medications to lower uric acid levels.

These medications should be continued for a period of time, even after the uric acid levels fall below the target goal, to prevent future flares.

Lifestyle changes, including weight loss and dietary restrictions, are also essential components of managing gout effectively.

It’s important to note that “End of Gout” is not a specific medical term but rather a concept that signifies the successful control and management of gout to prevent future flares and complications.

About The Creator

The End of Gout was created by Shelly Manning, a natural health practitioner and researcher with a focus on chronic diseases and their natural remedies.

Her background includes extensive study and practice in nutrition, biochemistry, and alternative medicine.

Manning developed her approach after years of personal research and collaboration with medical professionals, aiming to offer a holistic, drug-free solution to managing and preventing gout.

Shelly Manning’s interest in natural health began with her own health struggles, which led her to explore and ultimately embrace lifestyle and dietary changes as a means to improve her well-being.

This personal journey fueled her passion for helping others find relief from conditions like gout through natural methods.

Her work is characterized by a commitment to evidence-based practices, combining scientific research with practical, easy-to-implement strategies.

Manning emphasizes the importance of understanding the root causes of gout, such as inflammation and poor dietary choices, and provides a comprehensive plan that includes dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and natural supplements.

Through “The End of Gout,” Shelly Manning aims to empower individuals to take control of their health, reduce their dependence on medication, and lead a more active, pain-free life.

Her program has gained recognition for its effectiveness and has helped many people achieve long-term relief from gout symptoms.

How Does The End of Gout Work?

The End of Gout is not a specific medical treatment or program but rather a concept that signifies the successful control and management of gout to prevent future flaresand complications.

Managing gout typically involves a combination of dietary modifications, weight management, and the use of medications to lower uric acid levels.

Uric acid-lowering medications, such as allopurinol, febuxostat (Uloric), and intravenous pegloticase (Krystexxa), are commonly used for patients with recurrent gout or a history of elevated urate levels.

Gout, a form of inflammatory arthritis, is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the body, leading to the formation of needle-shaped crystals in the joints.

The “End of Gout” involves early diagnosis, treatment, and lifestyle changes to control and prevent gout flares. By effectively managing symptoms and lowering uric acid levels through a combination of medication and dietary changes.

Gout can be one of the most controllable forms of arthritis, allowing many people to avoid flares and decrease the severity of their symptoms, and even become gout-free.

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What will you get from The End of Gout?

The End of Gout signifies the successful control and management of gout, leading to several potential benefits, including:

  • Effective management of gout can help prevent recurrent gout flares, reducing pain and discomfort associated with the condition.
  • By following the recommendations for lifestyle changes and taking prescribed medications, individuals can achieve a reduction in uric acid levels, which is crucial for managing gout.
  • Successfully managing gout can lead to an improved quality of life, with reduced pain, stiffness, and swelling in the affected joints.
  • Tophi are uric acid crystal deposits that can form under the skin in advanced cases of gout. Proper management can help prevent the formation of tophi.
  • y effectively controlling and managing gout, individuals can reduce the risk of long-term complications associated with the condition.

It’s important to note that the specific outcomes of gout management can vary from person to person, and individual results may depend on various factors, including the severity of gout, overall health, and adherence to treatment recommendations. For personalized advice, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional.

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  • The program is claimed to visibly improve gut and kidney health.
  • It is claimed to help flush out bad bacteria and improve the number of good gut bacteria.
  • The program is said to help in digesting food well.
  • Users claim that the program can prevent the development of chronic tophaceous gout.
  • The program is reported to eliminate joint pain caused by excess uric acid or inflammation, as well as relieve arthritis.
  • Users claim that inflammation-related diseases vanish with the program.
  • Many users report experiencing benefits within a month, feeling better with improved overall health by the end of the second month.
  • The program is claimed to have no side effects, offering a natural approach to gout management.


  • The program is available only online, with no offline availability.
  • Results may vary based on individual body and gout condition, requiring consistency in following the program for optimal results.
  • Consistent implementation of the program is necessary to maximize results, and overnight results should not be expected.

The End of Gout Customer Reviews & Complaints

Overall, the reviews of The End of Gout are mostly positive (Rating 4.8/5). Users have reported significant improvements in their gout condition, with reduced flare-ups, improved overall health, and relief from joint pain and inflammation

John M.

I’ve been struggling with gout for years, trying every medication and remedy out there with little success. “The End of Gout” by Shelly Manning was a game-changer for me. The book’s holistic approach to managing gout through diet and lifestyle changes made all the difference. Within a few weeks of following the guidelines, my flare-ups decreased significantly, and I felt more energetic and healthier overall. It’s not just a temporary fix but a sustainable way to keep gout at bay. Highly recommend this to anyone dealing with gout!

Sarah L.

Shelly Manning’s “The End of Gout” is a lifesaver. I was skeptical at first, but the science-based approach and practical advice convinced me to give it a try. The dietary recommendations are easy to follow, and the recipes are delicious. I noticed improvements in my symptoms almost immediately, and over the months, the frequency and intensity of my gout attacks have dramatically reduced. This book doesn’t just offer solutions; it educates you about the underlying causes and how to address them naturally. It’s an empowering read for anyone wanting to take control of their health.

Pricing and Discounts

The pricing for The End of Gout can vary, but typically, the cost of the eBook is around $49. This price often includes additional bonuses such as meal plans, recipes, and tips for managing and preventing gout through natural methods.

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Money Back Guarantee

The End of Gout comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. This guarantee allows customers to try the program risk-free.

If you are not satisfied with the results or the content of the book within the first 60 days of purchase, you can request a full refund.

This policy reflects the creator Shelly Manning’s confidence in the effectiveness of her program and provides assurance to customers that their investment is protected.

To initiate a refund, customers typically need to contact the customer service team through the official website or the platform where the book was purchased.

60 day money back guarantee


The End of Gout aims to provide individuals with a comprehensive approach to managing and alleviating the symptoms of gout.

With a focus on dietary modifications, lifestyle adjustments, and natural remedies, the program has garnered a mix of positive and negative reviews from users.

While some users have reported significant improvements in their gout condition, others have expressed concerns about the program’s online availability and the variability of results.

It’s important for individuals to carefully consider these aspects and consult with healthcare professionals before deciding to embark on this program.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Is The End of Gout program suitable for everyone?

The program’s suitability may vary for individuals based on their specific health conditions and medical history. It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting the program.

How long does it take to see results with The End of Gout?

Individual results may vary, and the time to see results can depend on factors such as the severity of gout and adherence to the program. Some users have reported experiencing benefits within a month.

Are there any side effects associated with The End of Gout program?

As reported, the program is claimed to have no side effects and offers a natural approach to managing gout. However, individual responses to the program may vary.

What dietary changes are recommended in The End of Gout?

The program reportedly provides guidance on dietary changes aimed at managing gout, including recommendations on foods to consume and avoid.

Is there a money-back guarantee for The End of Gout?

Yes, the program is reported to offer a 60-day money-back guarantee, providing users with a risk-free opportunity to try the program.

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